*RECORDING* How to Create a Pitch Packet Seminar

5 (2 ratings)
Julia Prescott Profile Image
By Julia Prescott
Updated on March 9, 2022

*RECORDING* Julia Prescott (The Simpsons, Cartoon Network, Netflix) in this three-hour power hour, teaches how to move from idea to execution, crafting the kind of pitch documents intended to stand out and sell.

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This is a "RECORDING" of the live “3-hour Power Hour” version of the 6-week Pitch Packet Workshop that focuses on crafting, articulating, and formatting TV Series ideas into palatable, sellable pitch documents. Students will learn the basics of the foundational materials required to pitch your next great TV idea — from 1-sheets to broader pitch documents to visual pitch decks. 

In addition to the lecture, this workshop will include a SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER (a Writer/Exec who’s been on both sides of the pitching table — working as a development exec at Sony, then a multi-tiered production company with projects at Fox, Comedy Central, Netflix and more!). 

Workshop structure will be 2 hours of lecture + 1 hour of our special guest Q&A. Again, this is a recording of the Live class that happened on February 19th.

You will receive a PDF of the presentation, links to examples, and templates.

Student Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will know how: 

  1. To utilize a knowledge of the TV writing Industry in developing ideas for viable original ideas.
  2. To understand and appreciate the strength of a strong “logline” to sell your pitch.
  3. To understand and appreciate a strong example of a “1-sheet” for an original series and to learn how to best convey your original idea by focusing on character POV and emotional stakes.
  4. To understand the use of tonal references to pre-existing shows in a way best suited to “frame” the context of your idea’s TV genre.
  5. To understand and appreciate the basics in pitch doc structure: Logline, premise, themes, character descriptions and episode springboards.
  6. To understand and appreciate the need for answering the question, “Why now?” through various pitch materials.
  7. To understand and appreciate the second most important question: “And why me?” Injecting your personal story and POV into the world of the show.

No refunds, all sales final.

What People are Saying About Julia / Her Past Class:

-I loved this class so much. Julia is endlessly kind and encouraging. You’re gonna LOVE IT!

-Holy moly, Julia made this class so fun. Not only is she enthusiastic and supportive, but she has a keen eye for how to grow your work and project!

-Julia Prescott has an amazing and contagious creative energy.

-Loved this class and Julia! She definitely knows her stuff and delivered that knowledge in a fun, interactive way.

-I loved my class with Julia!!!!

-Julia was an incredible, generous teacher! Not only did she come with loads of practical knowledge as a professional writer, but she set a wonderful tone in class that helped us feel supported and encouraged.

-Julia is such an incredible teacher and cheerleader.

-Julia has truly gone above and beyond to make this class productive, informative, and fun!


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Julia Prescott

Julia Prescott is a TV writer and comedian from North Hollywood, CA whose work's been featured on Cartoon Network, Amazon, Netflix, Disney and more! She also wrote the "Treehouse of Horror" episode for the upcoming 32nd season of The Simpsons.
